Monday, December 9, 2024

What’s a Paramedic Worth?

What exactly is a paramedic worth? The Money  The average base salary for a paramedic in the province of Ontario is approximately $75,348 annually.  So what...

A Little Nostalgia

Paramedicine and ambulance operations have come a long way in a few short years. Here are few items that were in service not that...

Back to School – A Child’s Life is Flashing Before Your...

It's Back-To-School so kids will be excited make sure to leave yourself more time to get to work and drive safe.

Paramedic Ride

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is not a new concept but it is one that is not fully understood.  Critical thinking is an important tool for paramedics....

Harnessing the Power of Social Media

There is no questioning that social media is integrated in to our day to lives.  What needs to be answered is how can we harness...

Your Text Can Wait

History of the Star of Life

As a paramedic you wear it on your uniform but what is the star of life, and how did it come to be such...

A Brief History of Paramedicine

The earliest recorded Ambulance dates back to 900AD and pre-dates any other emergency service. In the 1700's "Ambulance Volantes" were used by Napoleon during war...

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