What’s a Paramedic Worth?

What exactly is a paramedic worth? The Money  The average base salary for a paramedic in the province of Ontario is approximately $75,348 annually.  So what...

Merry Christmas

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holidays.  A special thank you to all those emergency services on shift over the holidays keeping us safe.

National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week

Happy Nation Public Safety Telecommunicators Week to the most important people you will never see!

Paramedics are Highly Trained Professionals

Paramedics are highly trained professionals with life saving skills, knowledge and abilities.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day

If you are planning on going out for St. Patrick's Day please remember to plan for a ride home. Sláinte!

Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is not a new concept but it is one that is not fully understood.  Critical thinking is an important tool for paramedics....

Happy Easter

We want to wish a safe and Happy Easter to the paramedics, police officers, fire fighters and all other emergency personnel who are working...

Trillium Gift of Life Network

Trillium Gift of Life Network engaging Ontario Paramedics to save and enhance lives via tissue donation and transplantation. Trillium Gift of Life Network (TGLN) Human...

Full Moon

Wishing everyone a safe shift.

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Happy Mother’s Day